Speakers Sleep Education

Dr. Marcel Zeising is the founder of “schlafedukation.de.” Additionally, since April 2020, he is the senior physician and head of the interdisciplinary sleep laboratory and EEG department at the Center for Mental Health at the Klinikum Ingolstadt. Since 2014, he is a board member of the International Pharmaco-EEG Society (ipeg-society.org).
Most important publications:

Dr. Thorsten Mikoteit is psychiatry and psychotherapy professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel. He has been Deputy Chief Physician at the Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics at Solothurn Psychiatric Services in Switzerland since 2017. There, he is head of the Treatment Center for Anxiety and Depression and the Treatment Center for Psychosomatics. His teaching and research activities focus on sleep and depression. Dr. Thorsten Mikoteit is a board member of the Swiss Society for Biological Psychiatry, the German-speaking Marcé Society for Peripartum Mental Health. He is the first author of the Swiss treatment recommendations for chronic insomnia.
Most important publications:

Dr. Mary Gazea is a scientific project manager and grant writer at the Institute for Biological and Medical Imaging at Helmholtz Zentrum in Munich. She is a neuroscientist and completed her PhD at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in the Genetics of Sleep group and subsequently conducted basic research at the Inselspital in Bern. Her research focuses on investigating the connection between metabolic regulation and sleep as well as the connection between sleep disorders and depression.
Most important publications:

PD Dr. med. habil. Sven Rupprecht M.Sc. is a neurologist and sleep physician. He is head of the Interdisciplinary Center for Sleep and Respiratory Medicine and head of the “Sleep” Working Group at University Hospital of Jena/Germany. His scientific focus is on the changes in sleep in old age and the connection between sleep disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. He is a member of the Hypersomnia and Motor Function Working Groups of the German Society for Sleep Medicine (DGSM), the Polysomnography Working Group of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (DGKN), the German and International REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Study Group and the “Mitteldeutschen Schlafgesellschaft”.
Most important publications:

Dr. Borbala Blaskovich is a postdoctoral researcher at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Institute of Medical Psychology. She holds a PhD in Psychology from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and has studied sleep disorders such as nightmare disorders at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry. She is an expert in the use and analysis of sleep-related wearable devices (EEG headbands, smartwatches). Her current research focuses on investigating the complex relationship between stress-related sleep disorders, daily stress and the immune system.
Most important publications:

Dr. Victor Spoormaker is head of the Psychophysiology Lab at the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, which aims to develop and validate objective tests for psychiatric diagnostics – with a focus on non-invasive, physiological measurements. These physiological measurements, e.g. pupillometry and pulse plethysmography, are carried out in the experimental laboratory and the virtual reality laboratory, and at home with wearables such as smartwatches and EEG headbands.
Most important publications:
- Baseline depression levels do not affect efficacy of cognitive-behavioral self-help treatment for insomnia
- Cortical hyperarousal in NREM sleep normalizes from pre- to post- REM periods in individuals with frequent nightmares
- The utility of wearable headband electroencephalography and pulse photoplethysmography to assess cortical hyperarousal in individuals with stress-related mental disorders

Prof. Dr. Robert Göder is a well known sleep researcher and works as head of the sleep laboratory and senior physician on the psychosis ward at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein. He is not only a sleep physician (according to his additional designation), but also a somnologist (DGSM) and also a “Somnologist Expert in Sleep Medicine” (ESRS). His research focuses on a) the importance of sleep in mental illness and b) memory processes during sleep.
Most important publications:
- Impairment of sleep-related memory consolidation in schizophrenia: relevance of sleep spindles?
- Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation during sleep on memory performance in patients with schizophrenia.
- Impairment of visuospatial memory is associated with decreased slow wave sleep in schizophrenia